Panel on Peer Review and Publishing in ISME Journals

The Early Career Scientist Committee invites you to join the panel discussion on Peer Review and Publishing in ISME Journals at ISME19. The Panel will be led by Dr. Josh Neufeld along with Dr. Lisa Stein, Dr. Hauke Smidt, Dr. Burak Avci and Rhiannon Meaden.

Society-owned journals play a pivotal role in shaping the future of scientific publishing. In this panel discussion, we will discuss peer review and publishing in The ISME Journal and ISME Communications. The Editors-in-Chief of the journals will introduce new publishing plans implemented after moving to Oxford University Press and share advice for manuscript preparation. We will announce the Early Career Scientist Reviewer initiative, which will promote inclusion of early career researchers in the peer review process of the ISME journals. Oxford University Press will also present the opportunities available to microbial ecologists. This panel discussion will enable a discussion about scientific writing and peer review and target all microbial ecologists.

Discussion Panel Chair
Prof. Dr. Josh Neufeld, Editor-in-Chief, The ISME Journal

Scientific writing/publishing in the ISME Journal 
Prof. Dr. Lisa Stein, Editor-in-Chief of The ISME Journal, will present changes to ISME J publishing and peer review strategies, advice for manuscript preparation, and topics that are in and out of scope for the journal.

Scientific writing/publishing in the ISME Communications
Prof. Dr. Hauke Smidt, Editor-in-Chief of ISME Communications will present changes to ISME Commununications publishing and peer review strategies, and advice for manuscript preparation.

Early Career Scientist Reviewer Pool for the ISME Society Journals
Dr. Burak Avcı, Co-chair of the ISME Early Career Scientist Committee will share the ECS reviewer pool concept and how this increases the visibility of early career researchers in the peer review process. 

Publishing in Oxford University Press
Rhiannon Meaden, Executive Publisher at Oxford University Press will introduce the new publisher of the journals and present opportunities offered to microbial ecologists. 

When: Monday, 19 August, 13.30-14.30
Where: Ballroom West at the ISME19 Symposium, in Cape Town
Hosted by: ISME Early Career Scientist Committee.